ReCon Engineering Services
ReCon has a highly experienced and diverse group of designers and drafters. The designers/drafters take the preliminary information provided by the engineers and develop the drawings/sketches required to satisfy the project phase requirements.
ReCon’s designers/drafters are experienced in AutoCad, Microstation, FlexCad, and other automated drafting systems as dictated by our client’s requirements. From the development of a hand sketch to the development of a complex 3D drawing, our designers/drafters are ready to tackle your project needs. Below is a partial list of our capabilities by discipline:
Mechanical / Piping Design
Development of Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs) and Process and Instrument Diagrams (P&IDs) Field work and design/drafting required for the layout of equipment
- Pressure vessels, columns, storage tanks, compressors, pumps, etc.
- Field work and design/drafting of piping and pipe support systems
- Field work and design of skid/modular systems – pump, compressor, metering, etc.
- Other – HVAC systems, hydraulic systems, etc.
Civil / Structural Design
Field work and design/drafting of:
- Drainage systems, site preparation
- Foundations, pilings, spread footings
- Structural steel, concrete, support structures, buildings
- Roads and bridges
- Marine facilities bulkheading
Electrical / Instrumentation Engineering
Field work and design/drafting of:
- Power distribution systems
- Switchgear and metering systems
- Motor starters and controllers
- Lighting systems, grounding systems
- Instrumentation systems, marshaling cabinets and junction boxes for analog and digital signals, etc.