

ReCon executes a wide range of design and construction projects for clients in the petroleum-refining and gas processing industries primarily focusing on single-unit revamps. The company’s technical experts have experience optimizing the design, procurement, and construction of clients’ distillation, hydroprocessing, FCC, coking, octane enhancement, hydrogen production, and sulfur removal units.

ReCon’s team of process engineers are easily linked with some of the industry’s most renowned specialists.

ReCon’s expertise in the total integration of utility and offsite systems for grassroots and revamped facilities generates cost savings for clients and enhances pre-commissioning and start-up schedules.

ReCon has experience in the emerging bio-fuels market place. ReCon has developed R&D pilot plants and full scale production units of proprietary patent-pending technology to make high purity biodiesel and jet fuel from lowest cost feedstocks with much lower capital and operating costs. ReCon uses a process that employs proprietary reaction conditions, which result in extremely high-reaction efficiencies and lower impurity concentrations.

Experience includes:

  • Crude oil distillation
  • Vacuum distillation
  • Fluid bed catalytic cracking
  • Alkylation
  • Sulfur recovery
  • Hydrotreating
  • Catalytic reforming
  • Hydrocracking
  • LPG gas recovery
  • Product sweetening
  • Lube oil treating
  • Visbreaking
  • Coking


Chemical Facilities:

  • New Chemical Facility – $16 million design effort to develop initial design for new facility and complete detailed design.
  • MEG-DEG Jetty Eng/Procurement/Construction – $28 million design/procurement and construction coordination effort for shipping installation for new chemical facility.
  • Electrical Expansion – $6.4 million design effort to develop initial design and detailed design for electrical expansion at existing chemical facility
  • New Reciprocating Compressor – $1.2 million detailed design effort for new ethylene product compressor routing material to existing product pipeline.
  • Water Wells/System – $3.1 million design/procurement and construction effort for development and installation of water wells and associated equipment for new chemical facility.
  • New Chemical Facility – $1.5 million design effort supporting design completed in Spain for new chemical facility in U.S.A.
  • Chemical Complex P&ID Upgrade – $1.6 million effort to update all P&IDs for multiple chemical manufacturing units. Included field walk-outs onsite.
  • New Chemical Facility Utilities – $2.5 million detailed design for boiler, condensate and electrical facilities for new facility.
  • LNG Compressor Station – $1.1 million detailed design for installation of a new LNG compressor station.
  • New Alumina Calciner – $1.5 million study and design effort for new calciner and associated piping for an existing Alumina production Unit.
  • VOC Emissions Control – $1.7 million detailed design for installation of large piping systems per air emission requirements for a chemical facility.

Refinery Facilities:

  • Facility Siting Analysis/Recommendations – $1.3 million API 752 facility siting effort for large Refinery.
  • Waste Water Treatment System Upgrades – $7.4 million study and detailed design for new wastewater tankage and associated piping.
  • Refinery Sector Rule Revisions – $5.2 million combined studies and detailed design for revisions at two large Refineries to comply with EPA Air Emission regulations.
  • Refinery Feedstock Fractionation – $2.1 million effort including initial front end studies and detailed design for a large Refinery.
  • Pressure Protection – $12 million multi-year relief valve/flare system analysis for 22 units at large Refinery. Includes initial analysis for all release scenarios and relief valves and
    detailed designs for mitigation/improvements to relief valves and flare systems.
  • Refinery Tankage Analysis – $2.4 multi-year study and associated detailed designs for all tankage at large Refinery to optimize maintenance cost and rebuilds of all feed and product tankage.
  • Refinery SIS Upgrades – $4.6 million multi-unit multi-year studies and detailed designs to incorporate fired system safety improvements at a large Refinery.
  • New Powerhouse Boilers – $3.3 million study and detailed design for 2 new boilers and associated distribution piping and equipment.
  • VOC Emissions Control – $1.7 million detailed design for installation of large piping systems per air emission requirements for a chemical facility.
  • Ja Flare Analysis and Detailed Design – $2.6 million study and detailed design to address EPA flare requirements at a large Refinery.
  • New Feed Tankage – $1.7 million detailed design effort for new Refinery feed tank and associated piping.